Ecommerce Website Designing

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Drive Traffic & Boost Sales With E-Commerce Web Designing

With retail e-commerce projected to grow to 4.88 trillion US dollars in 2021, hundreds of e-retail stores are being launched every day and only a well-designed ecommerce store with intuitive user interface can help you sail the waves of this intense competition. Nowadays, catchy visual elements, flashy presentation, and placing some CTAs aren’t enough to beat the competition, drive traffic and generate great business; for this you need a brilliantly designed, extremely functional e-commerce store. So far, we have designed and delivered more than 15k ecommerce stores that are offering an ultimate user experience, exceeding the expectation of users, multiplying ROI.
Scalable Solutions


Online shoppers don't return to e-commerce platforms with poor functionality. We are building online stores on the latest versions of popular E-commerce frameworks. When we conceptualize designs, functionality is one of the governing factors. In our designs we ensure that your E-commerce store features:
Maximum Network Uptime

Ease Of Purchase

Our E-commerce Web Designs make purchasing quick, easy and stress-free for the customers. We design E-commerce storefronts with an interface that allows customers to make purchases in two-three clicks. This leads to a rich user experience and increases sales revenue. On designing part this requires:
Extensive Support

Simple Graphics

Keeping your E-commerce store simple and uncluttered while retaining its aesthetic appeal is key to holding visitors' attention. We avoid stuffing our designs with graphics, animations, and other visual bells and whistles that may distract customers or may even frustrate them. We ensure simplicity with:

Features of A Good E-commerce Website Design Services

  • Related Products

    Showing related products to customers helps you to up-sell or cross-sell your product for a better deal. This type of marketing influences the visitors to spend more time & bucks on your website by displaying the products he/she has shown interest in the past.
  • Product Filters

    No customer would want to scroll through thousands of products to find the one they want. Product filtering lets your customer customize their E-commerce experience & get exactly what they are looking by filtering their search on the basis of price, size, popularity, color, popularity, design, etc.
  • Efficient Interaction Management

    Be it about sending a Welcome Mail when a new visitor signs up on your E-commerce Website or flashing a Payment Confirmation Message when a customer makes a payment, such user-focused interactions contribute to relationship building, and further enhancing the overall sale prospects of the business.
  • Smooth Order Management

    Whether you manage orders on your own or integrate a 3rd party system for the job, there must be a smooth, reliable and error-free flow of the data of the sales, shipping orders, customer information and other order details. The efficient management of accurate data helps you in streamlining the sales process & enhances overall user experience.

Why Choose DigitalHookup For Web designing ?

  • We provide 24X7 service and technical support to the clients.

  • Our company has most advanced LINUX hosting solutions.

  • Equipped with configured LINUX hosting servers for heavy usage and reseller hosting performance.

  • We have secured and monitored hosting servers for Linux shared hosting.

  • Stable operating

  • Fast and reliable Linux web hosting servers.