/****** Helpers.min.js Ver: 4.06.25 Copyright 2012, WeblinkIndia.Net Date: 25-06-2021 *******/ /*Owl Carousel v2.2.1 min*/ ! function(t, e, i, s) { function n(e, i) { this.settings = null, this.options = t.extend({}, n.Defaults, i), this.$element = t(e), this._handlers = {}, this._plugins = {}, this._supress = {}, this._current = null, this._speed = null, this._coordinates = [], this._breakpoint = null, this._width = null, this._items = [], this._clones = [], this._mergers = [], this._widths = [], this._invalidated = {}, this._pipe = [], this._drag = { time: null, target: null, pointer: null, stage: { start: null, current: null }, direction: null }, this._states = { current: {}, tags: { initializing: ["busy"], animating: ["busy"], dragging: ["interacting"] } }, t.each(["onResize", "onThrottledResize"], t.proxy(function(e, i) { this._handlers[i] = t.proxy(this[i], this) }, this)), t.each(n.Plugins, t.proxy(function(t, e) { this._plugins[t.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + t.slice(1)] = new e(this) }, this)), t.each(n.Workers, t.proxy(function(e, i) { this._pipe.push({ filter: i.filter, run: t.proxy(i.run, this) }) }, this)), this.setup(), this.initialize() } n.Defaults = { items: 3, loop: !1, center: !1, rewind: !1, mouseDrag: !0, touchDrag: !0, pullDrag: !0, freeDrag: !1, margin: 0, stagePadding: 0, merge: !1, mergeFit: !0, autoWidth: !1, startPosition: 0, rtl: !1, smartSpeed: 250, fluidSpeed: !1, dragEndSpeed: !1, responsive: {}, responsiveRefreshRate: 200, responsiveBaseElement: e, fallbackEasing: "swing", info: !1, nestedItemSelector: !1, itemElement: "div", stageElement: "div", refreshClass: "owl-refresh", loadedClass: "owl-loaded", loadingClass: "owl-loading", rtlClass: "owl-rtl", responsiveClass: "owl-responsive", dragClass: "owl-drag", itemClass: "owl-item", stageClass: "owl-stage", stageOuterClass: "owl-stage-outer", grabClass: "owl-grab" }, n.Width = { Default: "default", Inner: "inner", Outer: "outer" }, n.Type = { Event: "event", State: "state" }, n.Plugins = {}, n.Workers = [{ filter: ["width", "settings"], run: function() { this._width = this.$element.width() } }, { filter: ["width", "items", "settings"], run: function(t) { t.current = this._items && this._items[this.relative(this._current)] } }, { filter: ["items", "settings"], run: function() { this.$stage.children(".cloned").remove() } }, { filter: ["width", "items", "settings"], run: function(t) { var e = this.settings.margin || "", i = !this.settings.autoWidth, s = this.settings.rtl, n = { width: "auto", "margin-left": s ? e : "", "margin-right": s ? "" : e }; !i && this.$stage.children().css(n), t.css = n } }, { filter: ["width", "items", "settings"], run: function(t) { var e = (this.width() / this.settings.items).toFixed(3) - this.settings.margin, i = null, s = this._items.length, n = !this.settings.autoWidth, o = []; for (t.items = { merge: !1, width: e }; s--;) i = this._mergers[s], i = this.settings.mergeFit && Math.min(i, this.settings.items) || i, t.items.merge = i > 1 || t.items.merge, o[s] = n ? e * i : this._items[s].width(); this._widths = o } }, { filter: ["items", "settings"], run: function() { var e = [], i = this._items, s = this.settings, n = Math.max(2 * s.items, 4), o = 2 * Math.ceil(i.length / 2), r = s.loop && i.length ? s.rewind ? n : Math.max(n, o) : 0, a = "", h = ""; for (r /= 2; r--;) e.push(this.normalize(e.length / 2, !0)), a += i[e[e.length - 1]][0].outerHTML, e.push(this.normalize(i.length - 1 - (e.length - 1) / 2, !0)), h = i[e[e.length - 1]][0].outerHTML + h; this._clones = e, t(a).addClass("cloned").appendTo(this.$stage), t(h).addClass("cloned").prependTo(this.$stage) } }, { filter: ["width", "items", "settings"], run: function() { for (var t = this.settings.rtl ? 1 : -1, e = this._clones.length + this._items.length, i = -1, s = 0, n = 0, o = []; ++i < e;) s = o[i - 1] || 0, n = this._widths[this.relative(i)] + this.settings.margin, o.push(s + n * t); this._coordinates = o } }, { filter: ["width", "items", "settings"], run: function() { var t = this.settings.stagePadding, e = this._coordinates, i = { width: Math.ceil(Math.abs(e[e.length - 1])) + 2 * t, "padding-left": t || "", "padding-right": t || "" }; this.$stage.css(i) } }, { filter: ["width", "items", "settings"], run: function(t) { var e = this._coordinates.length, i = !this.settings.autoWidth, s = this.$stage.children(); if (i && t.items.merge) for (; e--;) t.css.width = this._widths[this.relative(e)], s.eq(e).css(t.css); else i && (t.css.width = t.items.width, s.css(t.css)) } }, { filter: ["items"], run: function() { this._coordinates.length < 1 && this.$stage.removeAttr("style") } }, { filter: ["width", "items", "settings"], run: function(t) { t.current = t.current ? this.$stage.children().index(t.current) : 0, t.current = Math.max(this.minimum(), Math.min(this.maximum(), t.current)), this.reset(t.current) } }, { filter: ["position"], run: function() { this.animate(this.coordinates(this._current)) } }, { filter: ["width", "position", "items", "settings"], run: function() { var t, e, i, s, n = this.settings.rtl ? 1 : -1, o = 2 * this.settings.stagePadding, r = this.coordinates(this.current()) + o, a = r + this.width() * n, h = []; for (i = 0, s = this._coordinates.length; i < s; i++) t = this._coordinates[i - 1] || 0, e = Math.abs(this._coordinates[i]) + o * n, (this.op(t, "<=", r) && this.op(t, ">", a) || this.op(e, "<", r) && this.op(e, ">", a)) && h.push(i); this.$stage.children(".active").removeClass("active"), this.$stage.children(":eq(" + h.join("), :eq(") + ")").addClass("active"), this.settings.center && (this.$stage.children(".center").removeClass("center"), this.$stage.children().eq(this.current()).addClass("center")) } }], n.prototype.initialize = function() { if (this.enter("initializing"), this.trigger("initialize"), this.$element.toggleClass(this.settings.rtlClass, this.settings.rtl), this.settings.autoWidth && !this.is("pre-loading")) { var e, i, s; e = this.$element.find("img"), i = this.settings.nestedItemSelector ? "." + this.settings.nestedItemSelector : void 0, s = this.$element.children(i).width(), e.length && s <= 0 && this.preloadAutoWidthImages(e) } this.$element.addClass(this.options.loadingClass), this.$stage = t("<" + this.settings.stageElement + ' class="' + this.settings.stageClass + '"/>').wrap('
'), this.$element.append(this.$stage.parent()), this.replace(this.$element.children().not(this.$stage.parent())), this.$element.is(":visible") ? this.refresh() : this.invalidate("width"), this.$element.removeClass(this.options.loadingClass).addClass(this.options.loadedClass), this.registerEventHandlers(), this.leave("initializing"), this.trigger("initialized") }, n.prototype.setup = function() { var e = this.viewport(), i = this.options.responsive, s = -1, n = null; i ? (t.each(i, function(t) { t <= e && t > s && (s = Number(t)) }), "function" == typeof(n = t.extend({}, this.options, i[s])).stagePadding && (n.stagePadding = n.stagePadding()), delete n.responsive, n.responsiveClass && this.$element.attr("class", this.$element.attr("class").replace(new RegExp("(" + this.options.responsiveClass + "-)\\S+\\s", "g"), "$1" + s))) : n = t.extend({}, this.options), this.trigger("change", { property: { name: "settings", value: n } }), this._breakpoint = s, this.settings = n, this.invalidate("settings"), this.trigger("changed", { property: { name: "settings", value: this.settings } }) }, n.prototype.optionsLogic = function() { this.settings.autoWidth && (this.settings.stagePadding = !1, this.settings.merge = !1) }, n.prototype.prepare = function(e) { var i = this.trigger("prepare", { content: e }); return i.data || (i.data = t("<" + this.settings.itemElement + "/>").addClass(this.options.itemClass).append(e)), this.trigger("prepared", { content: i.data }), i.data }, n.prototype.update = function() { for (var e = 0, i = this._pipe.length, s = t.proxy(function(t) { return this[t] }, this._invalidated), n = {}; e < i;)(this._invalidated.all || t.grep(this._pipe[e].filter, s).length > 0) && this._pipe[e].run(n), e++; this._invalidated = {}, !this.is("valid") && this.enter("valid") }, n.prototype.width = function(t) { switch (t = t || n.Width.Default) { case n.Width.Inner: case n.Width.Outer: return this._width; default: return this._width - 2 * this.settings.stagePadding + this.settings.margin } }, n.prototype.refresh = function() { this.enter("refreshing"), this.trigger("refresh"), this.setup(), this.optionsLogic(), this.$element.addClass(this.options.refreshClass), this.update(), this.$element.removeClass(this.options.refreshClass), this.leave("refreshing"), this.trigger("refreshed") }, n.prototype.onThrottledResize = function() { e.clearTimeout(this.resizeTimer), this.resizeTimer = e.setTimeout(this._handlers.onResize, this.settings.responsiveRefreshRate) }, n.prototype.onResize = function() { return !!this._items.length && (this._width !== this.$element.width() && (!!this.$element.is(":visible") && (this.enter("resizing"), this.trigger("resize").isDefaultPrevented() ? (this.leave("resizing"), !1) : (this.invalidate("width"), this.refresh(), this.leave("resizing"), void this.trigger("resized"))))) }, n.prototype.registerEventHandlers = function() { t.support.transition && this.$stage.on(t.support.transition.end + ".owl.core", t.proxy(this.onTransitionEnd, this)), !1 !== this.settings.responsive && this.on(e, "resize", this._handlers.onThrottledResize), this.settings.mouseDrag && (this.$element.addClass(this.options.dragClass), this.$stage.on("mousedown.owl.core", t.proxy(this.onDragStart, this)), this.$stage.on("dragstart.owl.core selectstart.owl.core", function() { return !1 })), this.settings.touchDrag && (this.$stage.on("touchstart.owl.core", t.proxy(this.onDragStart, this)), this.$stage.on("touchcancel.owl.core", t.proxy(this.onDragEnd, this))) }, n.prototype.onDragStart = function(e) { var s = null; 3 !== e.which && (t.support.transform ? s = { x: (s = this.$stage.css("transform").replace(/.*\(|\)| /g, "").split(","))[16 === s.length ? 12 : 4], y: s[16 === s.length ? 13 : 5] } : (s = this.$stage.position(), s = { x: this.settings.rtl ? s.left + this.$stage.width() - this.width() + this.settings.margin : s.left, y: s.top }), this.is("animating") && (t.support.transform ? this.animate(s.x) : this.$stage.stop(), this.invalidate("position")), this.$element.toggleClass(this.options.grabClass, "mousedown" === e.type), this.speed(0), this._drag.time = (new Date).getTime(), this._drag.target = t(e.target), this._drag.stage.start = s, this._drag.stage.current = s, this._drag.pointer = this.pointer(e), t(i).on("mouseup.owl.core touchend.owl.core", t.proxy(this.onDragEnd, this)), t(i).one("mousemove.owl.core touchmove.owl.core", t.proxy(function(e) { var s = this.difference(this._drag.pointer, this.pointer(e)); t(i).on("mousemove.owl.core touchmove.owl.core", t.proxy(this.onDragMove, this)), Math.abs(s.x) < Math.abs(s.y) && this.is("valid") || (e.preventDefault(), this.enter("dragging"), this.trigger("drag")) }, this))) }, n.prototype.onDragMove = function(t) { var e = null, i = null, s = null, n = this.difference(this._drag.pointer, this.pointer(t)), o = this.difference(this._drag.stage.start, n); this.is("dragging") && (t.preventDefault(), this.settings.loop ? (e = this.coordinates(this.minimum()), i = this.coordinates(this.maximum() + 1) - e, o.x = ((o.x - e) % i + i) % i + e) : (e = this.settings.rtl ? this.coordinates(this.maximum()) : this.coordinates(this.minimum()), i = this.settings.rtl ? this.coordinates(this.minimum()) : this.coordinates(this.maximum()), s = this.settings.pullDrag ? -1 * n.x / 5 : 0, o.x = Math.max(Math.min(o.x, e + s), i + s)), this._drag.stage.current = o, this.animate(o.x)) }, n.prototype.onDragEnd = function(e) { var s = this.difference(this._drag.pointer, this.pointer(e)), n = this._drag.stage.current, o = s.x > 0 ^ this.settings.rtl ? "left" : "right"; t(i).off(".owl.core"), this.$element.removeClass(this.options.grabClass), (0 !== s.x && this.is("dragging") || !this.is("valid")) && (this.speed(this.settings.dragEndSpeed || this.settings.smartSpeed), this.current(this.closest(n.x, 0 !== s.x ? o : this._drag.direction)), this.invalidate("position"), this.update(), this._drag.direction = o, (Math.abs(s.x) > 3 || (new Date).getTime() - this._drag.time > 300) && this._drag.target.one("click.owl.core", function() { return !1 })), this.is("dragging") && (this.leave("dragging"), this.trigger("dragged")) }, n.prototype.closest = function(e, i) { var s = -1, n = this.width(), o = this.coordinates(); return this.settings.freeDrag || t.each(o, t.proxy(function(t, r) { return "left" === i && e > r - 30 && e < r + 30 ? s = t : "right" === i && e > r - n - 30 && e < r - n + 30 ? s = t + 1 : this.op(e, "<", r) && this.op(e, ">", o[t + 1] || r - n) && (s = "left" === i ? t + 1 : t), -1 === s }, this)), this.settings.loop || (this.op(e, ">", o[this.minimum()]) ? s = e = this.minimum() : this.op(e, "<", o[this.maximum()]) && (s = e = this.maximum())), s }, n.prototype.animate = function(e) { var i = this.speed() > 0; this.is("animating") && this.onTransitionEnd(), i && (this.enter("animating"), this.trigger("translate")), t.support.transform3d && t.support.transition ? this.$stage.css({ transform: "translate3d(" + e + "px,0px,0px)", transition: this.speed() / 1e3 + "s" }) : i ? this.$stage.animate({ left: e + "px" }, this.speed(), this.settings.fallbackEasing, t.proxy(this.onTransitionEnd, this)) : this.$stage.css({ left: e + "px" }) }, n.prototype.is = function(t) { return this._states.current[t] && this._states.current[t] > 0 }, n.prototype.current = function(t) { if (void 0 === t) return this._current; if (0 !== this._items.length) { if (t = this.normalize(t), this._current !== t) { var e = this.trigger("change", { property: { name: "position", value: t } }); void 0 !== e.data && (t = this.normalize(e.data)), this._current = t, this.invalidate("position"), this.trigger("changed", { property: { name: "position", value: this._current } }) } return this._current } }, n.prototype.invalidate = function(e) { return "string" === t.type(e) && (this._invalidated[e] = !0, this.is("valid") && this.leave("valid")), t.map(this._invalidated, function(t, e) { return e }) }, n.prototype.reset = function(t) { void 0 !== (t = this.normalize(t)) && (this._speed = 0, this._current = t, this.suppress(["translate", "translated"]), this.animate(this.coordinates(t)), this.release(["translate", "translated"])) }, n.prototype.normalize = function(t, e) { var i = this._items.length, s = e ? 0 : this._clones.length; return !this.isNumeric(t) || i < 1 ? t = void 0 : (t < 0 || t >= i + s) && (t = ((t - s / 2) % i + i) % i + s / 2), t }, n.prototype.relative = function(t) { return t -= this._clones.length / 2, this.normalize(t, !0) }, n.prototype.maximum = function(t) { var e, i, s, n = this.settings, o = this._coordinates.length; if (n.loop) o = this._clones.length / 2 + this._items.length - 1; else if (n.autoWidth || n.merge) { for (e = this._items.length, i = this._items[--e].width(), s = this.$element.width(); e-- && !((i += this._items[e].width() + this.settings.margin) > s);); o = e + 1 } else o = n.center ? this._items.length - 1 : this._items.length - n.items; return t && (o -= this._clones.length / 2), Math.max(o, 0) }, n.prototype.minimum = function(t) { return t ? 0 : this._clones.length / 2 }, n.prototype.items = function(t) { return void 0 === t ? this._items.slice() : (t = this.normalize(t, !0), this._items[t]) }, n.prototype.mergers = function(t) { return void 0 === t ? this._mergers.slice() : (t = this.normalize(t, !0), this._mergers[t]) }, n.prototype.clones = function(e) { var i = this._clones.length / 2, s = i + this._items.length, n = function(t) { return t % 2 == 0 ? s + t / 2 : i - (t + 1) / 2 }; return void 0 === e ? t.map(this._clones, function(t, e) { return n(e) }) : t.map(this._clones, function(t, i) { return t === e ? n(i) : null }) }, n.prototype.speed = function(t) { return void 0 !== t && (this._speed = t), this._speed }, n.prototype.coordinates = function(e) { var i, s = 1, n = e - 1; return void 0 === e ? t.map(this._coordinates, t.proxy(function(t, e) { return this.coordinates(e) }, this)) : (this.settings.center ? (this.settings.rtl && (s = -1, n = e + 1), i = this._coordinates[e], i += (this.width() - i + (this._coordinates[n] || 0)) / 2 * s) : i = this._coordinates[n] || 0, i = Math.ceil(i)) }, n.prototype.duration = function(t, e, i) { return 0 === i ? 0 : Math.min(Math.max(Math.abs(e - t), 1), 6) * Math.abs(i || this.settings.smartSpeed) }, n.prototype.to = function(t, e) { var i = this.current(), s = null, n = t - this.relative(i), o = (n > 0) - (n < 0), r = this._items.length, a = this.minimum(), h = this.maximum(); this.settings.loop ? (!this.settings.rewind && Math.abs(n) > r / 2 && (n += -1 * o * r), (s = (((t = i + n) - a) % r + r) % r + a) !== t && s - n <= h && s - n > 0 && (i = s - n, t = s, this.reset(i))) : t = this.settings.rewind ? (t % (h += 1) + h) % h : Math.max(a, Math.min(h, t)), this.speed(this.duration(i, t, e)), this.current(t), this.$element.is(":visible") && this.update() }, n.prototype.next = function(t) { t = t || !1, this.to(this.relative(this.current()) + 1, t) }, n.prototype.prev = function(t) { t = t || !1, this.to(this.relative(this.current()) - 1, t) }, n.prototype.onTransitionEnd = function(t) { if (void 0 !== t && (t.stopPropagation(), (t.target || t.srcElement || t.originalTarget) !== this.$stage.get(0))) return !1; this.leave("animating"), this.trigger("translated") }, n.prototype.viewport = function() { var s; return this.options.responsiveBaseElement !== e ? s = t(this.options.responsiveBaseElement).width() : e.innerWidth ? s = e.innerWidth : i.documentElement && i.documentElement.clientWidth ? s = i.documentElement.clientWidth : console.warn("Can not detect viewport width."), s }, n.prototype.replace = function(e) { this.$stage.empty(), this._items = [], e && (e = e instanceof jQuery ? e : t(e)), this.settings.nestedItemSelector && (e = e.find("." + this.settings.nestedItemSelector)), e.filter(function() { return 1 === this.nodeType }).each(t.proxy(function(t, e) { e = this.prepare(e), this.$stage.append(e), this._items.push(e), this._mergers.push(1 * e.find("[data-merge]").addBack("[data-merge]").attr("data-merge") || 1) }, this)), this.reset(this.isNumeric(this.settings.startPosition) ? this.settings.startPosition : 0), this.invalidate("items") }, n.prototype.add = function(e, i) { var s = this.relative(this._current); i = void 0 === i ? this._items.length : this.normalize(i, !0), e = e instanceof jQuery ? e : t(e), this.trigger("add", { content: e, position: i }), e = this.prepare(e), 0 === this._items.length || i === this._items.length ? (0 === this._items.length && this.$stage.append(e), 0 !== this._items.length && this._items[i - 1].after(e), this._items.push(e), this._mergers.push(1 * e.find("[data-merge]").addBack("[data-merge]").attr("data-merge") || 1)) : (this._items[i].before(e), this._items.splice(i, 0, e), this._mergers.splice(i, 0, 1 * e.find("[data-merge]").addBack("[data-merge]").attr("data-merge") || 1)), this._items[s] && this.reset(this._items[s].index()), this.invalidate("items"), this.trigger("added", { content: e, position: i }) }, n.prototype.remove = function(t) { void 0 !== (t = this.normalize(t, !0)) && (this.trigger("remove", { content: this._items[t], position: t }), this._items[t].remove(), this._items.splice(t, 1), this._mergers.splice(t, 1), this.invalidate("items"), this.trigger("removed", { content: null, position: t })) }, n.prototype.preloadAutoWidthImages = function(e) { e.each(t.proxy(function(e, i) { this.enter("pre-loading"), i = t(i), t(new Image).one("load", t.proxy(function(t) { i.attr("src", t.target.src), i.css("opacity", 1), this.leave("pre-loading"), !this.is("pre-loading") && !this.is("initializing") && this.refresh() }, this)).attr("src", i.attr("src") || i.attr("data-src") || i.attr("data-src-retina")) }, this)) }, n.prototype.destroy = function() { this.$element.off(".owl.core"), this.$stage.off(".owl.core"), t(i).off(".owl.core"), !1 !== this.settings.responsive && (e.clearTimeout(this.resizeTimer), this.off(e, "resize", this._handlers.onThrottledResize)); for (var s in this._plugins) this._plugins[s].destroy(); this.$stage.children(".cloned").remove(), this.$stage.unwrap(), this.$stage.children().contents().unwrap(), this.$stage.children().unwrap(), this.$element.removeClass(this.options.refreshClass).removeClass(this.options.loadingClass).removeClass(this.options.loadedClass).removeClass(this.options.rtlClass).removeClass(this.options.dragClass).removeClass(this.options.grabClass).attr("class", this.$element.attr("class").replace(new RegExp(this.options.responsiveClass + "-\\S+\\s", "g"), "")).removeData("owl.carousel") }, n.prototype.op = function(t, e, i) { var s = this.settings.rtl; switch (e) { case "<": return s ? t > i : t < i; case ">": return s ? t < i : t > i; case ">=": return s ? t <= i : t >= i; case "<=": return s ? t >= i : t <= i } }, n.prototype.on = function(t, e, i, s) { t.addEventListener ? t.addEventListener(e, i, s) : t.attachEvent && t.attachEvent("on" + e, i) }, n.prototype.off = function(t, e, i, s) { t.removeEventListener ? t.removeEventListener(e, i, s) : t.detachEvent && t.detachEvent("on" + e, i) }, n.prototype.trigger = function(e, i, s, o, r) { var a = { item: { count: this._items.length, index: this.current() } }, h = t.camelCase(t.grep(["on", e, s], function(t) { return t }).join("-").toLowerCase()), l = t.Event([e, "owl", s || "carousel"].join(".").toLowerCase(), t.extend({ relatedTarget: this }, a, i)); return this._supress[e] || (t.each(this._plugins, function(t, e) { e.onTrigger && e.onTrigger(l) }), this.register({ type: n.Type.Event, name: e }), this.$element.trigger(l), this.settings && "function" == typeof this.settings[h] && this.settings[h].call(this, l)), l }, n.prototype.enter = function(e) { t.each([e].concat(this._states.tags[e] || []), t.proxy(function(t, e) { void 0 === this._states.current[e] && (this._states.current[e] = 0), this._states.current[e]++ }, this)) }, n.prototype.leave = function(e) { t.each([e].concat(this._states.tags[e] || []), t.proxy(function(t, e) { this._states.current[e]-- }, this)) }, n.prototype.register = function(e) { if (e.type === n.Type.Event) { if (t.event.special[e.name] || (t.event.special[e.name] = {}), !t.event.special[e.name].owl) { var i = t.event.special[e.name]._default; t.event.special[e.name]._default = function(t) { return !i || !i.apply || t.namespace && -1 !== t.namespace.indexOf("owl") ? t.namespace && t.namespace.indexOf("owl") > -1 : i.apply(this, arguments) }, t.event.special[e.name].owl = !0 } } else e.type === n.Type.State && (this._states.tags[e.name] ? this._states.tags[e.name] = this._states.tags[e.name].concat(e.tags) : this._states.tags[e.name] = e.tags, this._states.tags[e.name] = t.grep(this._states.tags[e.name], t.proxy(function(i, s) { return t.inArray(i, this._states.tags[e.name]) === s }, this))) }, n.prototype.suppress = function(e) { t.each(e, t.proxy(function(t, e) { this._supress[e] = !0 }, this)) }, n.prototype.release = function(e) { t.each(e, t.proxy(function(t, e) { delete this._supress[e] }, this)) }, n.prototype.pointer = function(t) { var i = { x: null, y: null }; return t = t.originalEvent || t || e.event, t = t.touches && t.touches.length ? t.touches[0] : t.changedTouches && t.changedTouches.length ? t.changedTouches[0] : t, t.pageX ? (i.x = t.pageX, i.y = t.pageY) : (i.x = t.clientX, i.y = t.clientY), i }, n.prototype.isNumeric = function(t) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(t)) }, n.prototype.difference = function(t, e) { return { x: t.x - e.x, y: t.y - e.y } }, t.fn.owlCarousel = function(e) { var i = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); return this.each(function() { var s = t(this), o = s.data("owl.carousel"); o || (o = new n(this, "object" == typeof e && e), s.data("owl.carousel", o), t.each(["next", "prev", "to", "destroy", "refresh", "replace", "add", "remove"], function(e, i) { o.register({ type: n.Type.Event, name: i }), o.$element.on(i + ".owl.carousel.core", t.proxy(function(t) { t.namespace && t.relatedTarget !== this && (this.suppress([i]), o[i].apply(this, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)), this.release([i])) }, o)) })), "string" == typeof e && "_" !== e.charAt(0) && o[e].apply(o, i) }) }, t.fn.owlCarousel.Constructor = n }(window.Zepto || window.jQuery, window, document), function(t, e, i, s) { var n = function(e) { this._core = e, this._interval = null, this._visible = null, this._handlers = { "initialized.owl.carousel": t.proxy(function(t) { t.namespace && this._core.settings.autoRefresh && this.watch() }, this) }, this._core.options = t.extend({}, n.Defaults, this._core.options), this._core.$element.on(this._handlers) }; n.Defaults = { autoRefresh: !0, autoRefreshInterval: 500 }, n.prototype.watch = function() { this._interval || (this._visible = this._core.$element.is(":visible"), this._interval = e.setInterval(t.proxy(this.refresh, this), this._core.settings.autoRefreshInterval)) }, n.prototype.refresh = function() { this._core.$element.is(":visible") !== this._visible && (this._visible = !this._visible, this._core.$element.toggleClass("owl-hidden", !this._visible), this._visible && this._core.invalidate("width") && this._core.refresh()) }, n.prototype.destroy = function() { var t, i; e.clearInterval(this._interval); for (t in this._handlers) this._core.$element.off(t, this._handlers[t]); for (i in Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) "function" != typeof this[i] && (this[i] = null) }, t.fn.owlCarousel.Constructor.Plugins.AutoRefresh = n }(window.Zepto || window.jQuery, window, document), function(t, e, i, s) { var n = function(e) { this._core = e, this._loaded = [], this._handlers = { "initialized.owl.carousel change.owl.carousel resized.owl.carousel": t.proxy(function(e) { if (e.namespace && this._core.settings && this._core.settings.lazyLoad && (e.property && "position" == e.property.name || "initialized" == e.type)) for (var i = this._core.settings, s = i.center && Math.ceil(i.items / 2) || i.items, n = i.center && -1 * s || 0, o = (e.property && void 0 !== e.property.value ? e.property.value : this._core.current()) + n, r = this._core.clones().length, a = t.proxy(function(t, e) { this.load(e) }, this); n++ < s;) this.load(r / 2 + this._core.relative(o)), r && t.each(this._core.clones(this._core.relative(o)), a), o++ }, this) }, this._core.options = t.extend({}, n.Defaults, this._core.options), this._core.$element.on(this._handlers) }; n.Defaults = { lazyLoad: !1 }, n.prototype.load = function(i) { var s = this._core.$stage.children().eq(i), n = s && s.find(".owl-lazy"); !n || t.inArray(s.get(0), this._loaded) > -1 || (n.each(t.proxy(function(i, s) { var n, o = t(s), r = e.devicePixelRatio > 1 && o.attr("data-src-retina") || o.attr("data-src"); this._core.trigger("load", { element: o, url: r }, "lazy"), o.is("img") ? o.one("load.owl.lazy", t.proxy(function() { o.css("opacity", 1), this._core.trigger("loaded", { element: o, url: r }, "lazy") }, this)).attr("src", r) : ((n = new Image).onload = t.proxy(function() { o.css({ "background-image": 'url("' + r + '")', opacity: "1" }), this._core.trigger("loaded", { element: o, url: r }, "lazy") }, this), n.src = r) }, this)), this._loaded.push(s.get(0))) }, n.prototype.destroy = function() { var t, e; for (t in this.handlers) this._core.$element.off(t, this.handlers[t]); for (e in Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) "function" != typeof this[e] && (this[e] = null) }, t.fn.owlCarousel.Constructor.Plugins.Lazy = n }(window.Zepto || window.jQuery, window, document), function(t, e, i, s) { var n = function(e) { this._core = e, this._handlers = { "initialized.owl.carousel refreshed.owl.carousel": t.proxy(function(t) { t.namespace && this._core.settings.autoHeight && this.update() }, this), "changed.owl.carousel": t.proxy(function(t) { t.namespace && this._core.settings.autoHeight && "position" == t.property.name && this.update() }, this), "loaded.owl.lazy": t.proxy(function(t) { t.namespace && this._core.settings.autoHeight && t.element.closest("." + this._core.settings.itemClass).index() === this._core.current() && this.update() }, this) }, this._core.options = t.extend({}, n.Defaults, this._core.options), this._core.$element.on(this._handlers) }; n.Defaults = { autoHeight: !1, autoHeightClass: "owl-height" }, n.prototype.update = function() { var e = this._core._current, i = e + this._core.settings.items, s = this._core.$stage.children().toArray().slice(e, i), n = [], o = 0; t.each(s, function(e, i) { n.push(t(i).height()) }), o = Math.max.apply(null, n), this._core.$stage.parent().height(o).addClass(this._core.settings.autoHeightClass) }, n.prototype.destroy = function() { var t, e; for (t in this._handlers) this._core.$element.off(t, this._handlers[t]); for (e in Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) "function" != typeof this[e] && (this[e] = null) }, t.fn.owlCarousel.Constructor.Plugins.AutoHeight = n }(window.Zepto || window.jQuery, window, document), function(t, e, i, s) { var n = function(e) { this._core = e, this._videos = {}, this._playing = null, this._handlers = { "initialized.owl.carousel": t.proxy(function(t) { t.namespace && this._core.register({ type: "state", name: "playing", tags: ["interacting"] }) }, this), "resize.owl.carousel": t.proxy(function(t) { t.namespace && this._core.settings.video && this.isInFullScreen() && t.preventDefault() }, this), "refreshed.owl.carousel": t.proxy(function(t) { t.namespace && this._core.is("resizing") && this._core.$stage.find(".cloned .owl-video-frame").remove() }, this), "changed.owl.carousel": t.proxy(function(t) { t.namespace && "position" === t.property.name && this._playing && this.stop() }, this), "prepared.owl.carousel": t.proxy(function(e) { if (e.namespace) { var i = t(e.content).find(".owl-video"); i.length && (i.css("display", "none"), this.fetch(i, t(e.content))) } }, this) }, this._core.options = t.extend({}, n.Defaults, this._core.options), this._core.$element.on(this._handlers), this._core.$element.on("click.owl.video", ".owl-video-play-icon", t.proxy(function(t) { this.play(t) }, this)) }; n.Defaults = { video: !1, videoHeight: !1, videoWidth: !1 }, n.prototype.fetch = function(t, e) { var i = t.attr("data-vimeo-id") ? "vimeo" : t.attr("data-vzaar-id") ? "vzaar" : "youtube", s = t.attr("data-vimeo-id") || t.attr("data-youtube-id") || t.attr("data-vzaar-id"), n = t.attr("data-width") || this._core.settings.videoWidth, o = t.attr("data-height") || this._core.settings.videoHeight, r = t.attr("href"); if (!r) throw new Error("Missing video URL."); if ((s = r.match(/(http:|https:|)\/\/(player.|www.|app.)?(vimeo\.com|youtu(be\.com|\.be|be\.googleapis\.com)|vzaar\.com)\/(video\/|videos\/|embed\/|channels\/.+\/|groups\/.+\/|watch\?v=|v\/)?([A-Za-z0-9._%-]*)(\&\S+)?/))[3].indexOf("youtu") > -1) i = "youtube"; else if (s[3].indexOf("vimeo") > -1) i = "vimeo"; else { if (!(s[3].indexOf("vzaar") > -1)) throw new Error("Video URL not supported."); i = "vzaar" } s = s[6], this._videos[r] = { type: i, id: s, width: n, height: o }, e.attr("data-video", r), this.thumbnail(t, this._videos[r]) }, n.prototype.thumbnail = function(e, i) { var s, n, o, r = i.width && i.height ? 'style="width:' + i.width + "px;height:" + i.height + 'px;"' : "", a = e.find("img"), h = "src", l = "", c = this._core.settings, p = function(t) { n = '
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"), this._core.settings.lazyLoad && (h = "data-src", l = "owl-lazy"), a.length) return p(a.attr(h)), a.remove(), !1; "youtube" === i.type ? (o = "//img.youtube.com/vi/" + i.id + "/hqdefault.jpg", p(o)) : "vimeo" === i.type ? t.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "//vimeo.com/api/v2/video/" + i.id + ".json", jsonp: "callback", dataType: "jsonp", success: function(t) { o = t[0].thumbnail_large, p(o) } }) : "vzaar" === i.type && t.ajax({ type: "GET", url: "//vzaar.com/api/videos/" + i.id + ".json", jsonp: "callback", dataType: "jsonp", success: function(t) { o = t.framegrab_url, p(o) } }) }, n.prototype.stop = function() { this._core.trigger("stop", null, "video"), this._playing.find(".owl-video-frame").remove(), this._playing.removeClass("owl-video-playing"), this._playing = null, this._core.leave("playing"), this._core.trigger("stopped", null, "video") }, n.prototype.play = function(e) { var i, s = t(e.target).closest("." + this._core.settings.itemClass), n = this._videos[s.attr("data-video")], o = n.width || "100%", r = n.height || this._core.$stage.height(); this._playing || (this._core.enter("playing"), this._core.trigger("play", null, "video"), s = this._core.items(this._core.relative(s.index())), this._core.reset(s.index()), "youtube" === n.type ? i = '' : "vimeo" === n.type ? i = '' : "vzaar" === n.type && (i = ''), t('
' + i + "
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this._core.settings.autoplay ? this.play() : this.stop() : t.namespace && "position" === t.property.name && this._core.settings.autoplay && this._setAutoPlayInterval() }, this), "initialized.owl.carousel": t.proxy(function(t) { t.namespace && this._core.settings.autoplay && this.play() }, this), "play.owl.autoplay": t.proxy(function(t, e, i) { t.namespace && this.play(e, i) }, this), "stop.owl.autoplay": t.proxy(function(t) { t.namespace && this.stop() }, this), "mouseover.owl.autoplay": t.proxy(function() { this._core.settings.autoplayHoverPause && this._core.is("rotating") && this.pause() }, this), "mouseleave.owl.autoplay": t.proxy(function() { this._core.settings.autoplayHoverPause && this._core.is("rotating") && this.play() }, this), "touchstart.owl.core": t.proxy(function() { this._core.settings.autoplayHoverPause && this._core.is("rotating") && this.pause() }, this), "touchend.owl.core": t.proxy(function() { this._core.settings.autoplayHoverPause && this.play() }, this) }, this._core.$element.on(this._handlers), this._core.options = t.extend({}, n.Defaults, this._core.options) }; n.Defaults = { autoplay: !1, autoplayTimeout: 8000, autoplayHoverPause: !1, autoplaySpeed: !1 }, n.prototype.play = function(t, e) { this._paused = !1, this._core.is("rotating") || (this._core.enter("rotating"), this._setAutoPlayInterval()) }, n.prototype._getNextTimeout = function(s, n) { return this._timeout && e.clearTimeout(this._timeout), e.setTimeout(t.proxy(function() { this._paused || this._core.is("busy") || this._core.is("interacting") || i.hidden || this._core.next(n || this._core.settings.autoplaySpeed) }, this), s || this._core.settings.autoplayTimeout) }, n.prototype._setAutoPlayInterval = function() { this._timeout = this._getNextTimeout() }, n.prototype.stop = function() { this._core.is("rotating") && (e.clearTimeout(this._timeout), this._core.leave("rotating")) }, n.prototype.pause = function() { this._core.is("rotating") && (this._paused = !0) }, n.prototype.destroy = function() { var t, e; this.stop(); for (t in this._handlers) this._core.$element.off(t, this._handlers[t]); for (e in Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) "function" != typeof this[e] && (this[e] = null) }, t.fn.owlCarousel.Constructor.Plugins.autoplay = n }(window.Zepto || window.jQuery, window, document), function(t, e, i, s) { "use strict"; var n = function(e) { this._core = e, this._initialized = !1, this._pages = [], this._controls = {}, this._templates = [], this.$element = this._core.$element, this._overrides = { next: this._core.next, prev: this._core.prev, to: this._core.to }, this._handlers = { "prepared.owl.carousel": t.proxy(function(e) { e.namespace && this._core.settings.dotsData && this._templates.push('
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e : null }).join(); if (!n || e.location.hash.slice(1) === n) return; e.location.hash = n } }, this) }, this._core.options = t.extend({}, n.Defaults, this._core.options), this.$element.on(this._handlers), t(e).on("hashchange.owl.navigation", t.proxy(function(t) { var i = e.location.hash.substring(1), s = this._core.$stage.children(), n = this._hashes[i] && s.index(this._hashes[i]); void 0 !== n && n !== this._core.current() && this._core.to(this._core.relative(n), !1, !0) }, this)) }; n.Defaults = { URLhashListener: !1 }, n.prototype.destroy = function() { var i, s; t(e).off("hashchange.owl.navigation"); for (i in this._handlers) this._core.$element.off(i, this._handlers[i]); for (s in Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) "function" != typeof this[s] && (this[s] = null) }, t.fn.owlCarousel.Constructor.Plugins.Hash = n }(window.Zepto || window.jQuery, window, document), function(t, e, i, s) { function n(e, i) { var n = !1, o = e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1); return t.each((e + " " + a.join(o + " ") + o).split(" "), function(t, e) { if (r[e] !== s) return n = !i || e, !1 }), n } function o(t) { return n(t, !0) } var r = t("").get(0).style, a = "Webkit Moz O ms".split(" "), h = { transition: { end: { WebkitTransition: "webkitTransitionEnd", MozTransition: "transitionend", OTransition: "oTransitionEnd", transition: "transitionend" } }, animation: { end: { WebkitAnimation: "webkitAnimationEnd", MozAnimation: "animationend", OAnimation: "oAnimationEnd", animation: "animationend" } } }, l = { csstransforms: function() { return !!n("transform") }, csstransforms3d: function() { return !!n("perspective") }, csstransitions: function() { return !!n("transition") }, cssanimations: function() { return !!n("animation") } }; l.csstransitions() && (t.support.transition = new String(o("transition")), t.support.transition.end = h.transition.end[t.support.transition]), l.cssanimations() && (t.support.animation = new String(o("animation")), t.support.animation.end = h.animation.end[t.support.animation]), l.csstransforms() && (t.support.transform = new String(o("transform")), t.support.transform3d = l.csstransforms3d()) }(window.Zepto || window.jQuery, window, document); /*! lazysizes - v5.1.2 */ window.lazySizesConfig = window.lazySizesConfig || {}; window.lazySizesConfig.init = false; ! function(a, b) { var c = b(a, a.document); a.lazySizes = c, "object" == typeof module && module.exports && (module.exports = c) }("undefined" != typeof window ? window : {}, function(a, b) { "use strict"; var c, d; if (function() { var b, c = { lazyClass: "lazyload", loadedClass: "lazyloaded", loadingClass: "lazyloading", preloadClass: "lazypreload", errorClass: "lazyerror", autosizesClass: "lazyautosizes", srcAttr: "data-src", srcsetAttr: "data-srcset", sizesAttr: "data-sizes", minSize: 40, customMedia: {}, init: !0, expFactor: 1.5, hFac: .8, loadMode: 2, loadHidden: !0, ricTimeout: 0, throttleDelay: 125 }; d = a.lazySizesConfig || a.lazysizesConfig || {}; for (b in c) b in d || (d[b] = c[b]) }(), !b || !b.getElementsByClassName) return { init: function() {}, cfg: d, noSupport: !0 }; var e = b.documentElement, f = a.Date, g = a.HTMLPictureElement, h = "addEventListener", i = "getAttribute", j = a[h], k = a.setTimeout, l = a.requestAnimationFrame || k, m = a.requestIdleCallback, n = /^picture$/i, o = ["load", "error", "lazyincluded", "_lazyloaded"], p = {}, q = Array.prototype.forEach, r = function(a, b) { return p[b] || (p[b] = new RegExp("(\\s|^)" + b + "(\\s|$)")), p[b].test(a[i]("class") || "") && p[b] }, s = function(a, b) { r(a, b) || a.setAttribute("class", (a[i]("class") || "").trim() + " " + b) }, t = function(a, b) { var c; (c = r(a, b)) && a.setAttribute("class", (a[i]("class") || "").replace(c, " ")) }, u = function(a, b, c) { var d = c ? h : "removeEventListener"; c && u(a, b), o.forEach(function(c) { a[d](c, b) }) }, v = function(a, d, e, f, g) { var h = b.createEvent("Event"); return e || (e = {}), e.instance = c, h.initEvent(d, !f, !g), h.detail = e, a.dispatchEvent(h), h }, w = function(b, c) { var e; !g && (e = a.picturefill || d.pf) ? (c && c.src && !b[i]("srcset") && b.setAttribute("srcset", c.src), e({ reevaluate: !0, elements: [b] })) : c && c.src && (b.src = c.src) }, x = function(a, b) { return (getComputedStyle(a, null) || {})[b] }, y = function(a, b, c) { for (c = c || a.offsetWidth; c < d.minSize && b && !a._lazysizesWidth;) c = b.offsetWidth, b = b.parentNode; return c }, z = function() { var a, c, d = [], e = [], f = d, g = function() { var b = f; for (f = d.length ? e : d, a = !0, c = !1; b.length;) b.shift()(); a = !1 }, h = function(d, e) { a && !e ? d.apply(this, arguments) : (f.push(d), c || (c = !0, (b.hidden ? k : l)(g))) }; return h._lsFlush = g, h }(), A = function(a, b) { return b ? function() { z(a) } : function() { var b = this, c = arguments; z(function() { a.apply(b, c) }) } }, B = function(a) { var b, c = 0, e = d.throttleDelay, g = d.ricTimeout, h = function() { b = !1, c = f.now(), a() }, i = m && g > 49 ? function() { m(h, { timeout: g }), g !== d.ricTimeout && (g = d.ricTimeout) } : A(function() { k(h) }, !0); return function(a) { var d; (a = !0 === a) && (g = 33), b || (b = !0, d = e - (f.now() - c), d < 0 && (d = 0), a || d < 9 ? i() : k(i, d)) } }, C = function(a) { var b, c, d = 99, e = function() { b = null, a() }, g = function() { var a = f.now() - c; a < d ? k(g, d - a) : (m || e)(e) }; return function() { c = f.now(), b || (b = k(g, d)) } }, D = function() { var g, m, o, p, y, D, F, G, H, I, J, K, L = /^img$/i, M = /^iframe$/i, N = "onscroll" in a && !/(gle|ing)bot/.test(navigator.userAgent), O = 0, P = 0, Q = 0, R = -1, S = function(a) { Q--, (!a || Q < 0 || !a.target) && (Q = 0) }, T = function(a) { return null == K && (K = "hidden" == x(b.body, "visibility")), K || !("hidden" == x(a.parentNode, "visibility") && "hidden" == x(a, "visibility")) }, U = function(a, c) { var d, f = a, g = T(a); for (G -= c, J += c, H -= c, I += c; g && (f = f.offsetParent) && f != b.body && f != e;)(g = (x(f, "opacity") || 1) > 0) && "visible" != x(f, "overflow") && (d = f.getBoundingClientRect(), g = I > d.left && H < d.right && J > d.top - 1 && G < d.bottom + 1); return g }, V = function() { var a, f, h, j, k, l, n, o, q, r, s, t, u = c.elements; if ((p = d.loadMode) && Q < 8 && (a = u.length)) { for (f = 0, R++; f < a; f++) if (u[f] && !u[f]._lazyRace) if (!N || c.prematureUnveil && c.prematureUnveil(u[f])) ba(u[f]); else if ((o = u[f][i]("data-expand")) && (l = 1 * o) || (l = P), r || (r = !d.expand || d.expand < 1 ? e.clientHeight > 500 && e.clientWidth > 500 ? 500 : 370 : d.expand, c._defEx = r, s = r * d.expFactor, t = d.hFac, K = null, P < s && Q < 1 && R > 2 && p > 2 && !b.hidden ? (P = s, R = 0) : P = p > 1 && R > 1 && Q < 6 ? r : O), q !== l && (D = innerWidth + l * t, F = innerHeight + l, n = -1 * l, q = l), h = u[f].getBoundingClientRect(), (J = h.bottom) >= n && (G = h.top) <= F && (I = h.right) >= n * t && (H = h.left) <= D && (J || I || H || G) && (d.loadHidden || T(u[f])) && (m && Q < 3 && !o && (p < 3 || R < 4) || U(u[f], l))) { if (ba(u[f]), k = !0, Q > 9) break } else !k && m && !j && Q < 4 && R < 4 && p > 2 && (g[0] || d.preloadAfterLoad) && (g[0] || !o && (J || I || H || G || "auto" != u[f][i](d.sizesAttr))) && (j = g[0] || u[f]); j && !k && ba(j) } }, W = B(V), X = function(a) { var b = a.target; if (b._lazyCache) return void delete b._lazyCache; S(a), s(b, d.loadedClass), t(b, d.loadingClass), u(b, Z), v(b, "lazyloaded") }, Y = A(X), Z = function(a) { Y({ target: a.target }) }, $ = function(a, b) { try { a.contentWindow.location.replace(b) } catch (c) { a.src = b } }, _ = function(a) { var b, c = a[i](d.srcsetAttr); (b = d.customMedia[a[i]("data-media") || a[i]("media")]) && a.setAttribute("media", b), c && a.setAttribute("srcset", c) }, aa = A(function(a, b, c, e, f) { var g, h, j, l, m, p; (m = v(a, "lazybeforeunveil", b)).defaultPrevented || (e && (c ? s(a, d.autosizesClass) : a.setAttribute("sizes", e)), h = a[i](d.srcsetAttr), g = a[i](d.srcAttr), f && (j = a.parentNode, l = j && n.test(j.nodeName || "")), p = b.firesLoad || "src" in a && (h || g || l), m = { target: a }, s(a, d.loadingClass), p && (clearTimeout(o), o = k(S, 2500), u(a, Z, !0)), l && q.call(j.getElementsByTagName("source"), _), h ? a.setAttribute("srcset", h) : g && !l && (M.test(a.nodeName) ? $(a, g) : a.src = g), f && (h || l) && w(a, { src: g })), a._lazyRace && delete a._lazyRace, t(a, d.lazyClass), z(function() { var b = a.complete && a.naturalWidth > 1; p && !b || (b && s(a, "ls-is-cached"), X(m), a._lazyCache = !0, k(function() { "_lazyCache" in a && delete a._lazyCache }, 9)), "lazy" == a.loading && Q-- }, !0) }), ba = function(a) { if (!a._lazyRace) { var b, c = L.test(a.nodeName), e = c && (a[i](d.sizesAttr) || a[i]("sizes")), f = "auto" == e; (!f && m || !c || !a[i]("src") && !a.srcset || a.complete || r(a, d.errorClass) || !r(a, d.lazyClass)) && (b = v(a, "lazyunveilread").detail, f && E.updateElem(a, !0, a.offsetWidth), a._lazyRace = !0, Q++, aa(a, b, f, e, c)) } }, ca = C(function() { d.loadMode = 3, W() }), da = function() { 3 == d.loadMode && (d.loadMode = 2), ca() }, ea = function() { if (!m) { if (f.now() - y < 999) return void k(ea, 999); m = !0, d.loadMode = 3, W(), j("scroll", da, !0) } }; return { _: function() { y = f.now(), c.elements = b.getElementsByClassName(d.lazyClass), g = b.getElementsByClassName(d.lazyClass + " " + d.preloadClass), j("scroll", W, !0), j("resize", W, !0), j("pageshow", function(a) { if (a.persisted) { var c = b.querySelectorAll("." + d.loadingClass); c.length && c.forEach && l(function() { c.forEach(function(a) { a.complete && ba(a) }) }) } }), a.MutationObserver ? new MutationObserver(W).observe(e, { childList: !0, subtree: !0, attributes: !0 }) : (e[h]("DOMNodeInserted", W, !0), e[h]("DOMAttrModified", W, !0), setInterval(W, 999)), j("hashchange", W, !0), ["focus", "mouseover", "click", "load", "transitionend", "animationend"].forEach(function(a) { b[h](a, W, !0) }), /d$|^c/.test(b.readyState) ? ea() : (j("load", ea), b[h]("DOMContentLoaded", W), k(ea, 2e4)), c.elements.length ? (V(), z._lsFlush()) : W() }, checkElems: W, unveil: ba, _aLSL: da } }(), E = function() { var a, c = A(function(a, b, c, d) { var e, f, g; if (a._lazysizesWidth = d, d += "px", a.setAttribute("sizes", d), n.test(b.nodeName || "")) for (e = b.getElementsByTagName("source"), f = 0, g = e.length; f < g; f++) e[f].setAttribute("sizes", d); c.detail.dataAttr || w(a, c.detail) }), e = function(a, b, d) { var e, f = a.parentNode; f && (d = y(a, f, d), e = v(a, "lazybeforesizes", { width: d, dataAttr: !!b }), e.defaultPrevented || (d = e.detail.width) && d !== a._lazysizesWidth && c(a, f, e, d)) }, f = function() { var b, c = a.length; if (c) for (b = 0; b < c; b++) e(a[b]) }, g = C(f); return { _: function() { a = b.getElementsByClassName(d.autosizesClass), j("resize", g) }, checkElems: g, updateElem: e } }(), F = function() { !F.i && b.getElementsByClassName && (F.i = !0, E._(), D._()) }; return k(function() { d.init && F() }), c = { cfg: d, autoSizer: E, loader: D, init: F, uP: w, aC: s, rC: t, hC: r, fire: v, gW: y, rAF: z } }); document.addEventListener("lazybeforeunveil", function(t) { var e = t.target.getAttribute("data-bg"); e && (t.target.style.backgroundImage = "url(" + e + ")") }); /* jCarouselLite slider */ (function($) { $.fn.jCarouselLite = function(o) { o = $.extend({ btnPrev: null, btnNext: null, btnGo: null, mouseWheel: false, auto: null, hoverPause: false, speed: 200, easing: null, vertical: false, circular: true, visible: 3, start: 0, scroll: 1, beforeStart: null, afterEnd: null }, o || {}); return this.each(function() { var running = false, animCss = o.vertical ? 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c : d * Math.pow(2, 10 * (b / e - 1)) + c }, easeOutExpo: function(a, b, c, d, e) { return b == e ? c + d : d * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * b / e) + 1) + c }, easeInOutExpo: function(a, b, c, d, e) { if (b == 0) return c; if (b == e) return c + d; if ((b /= e / 2) < 1) return d / 2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (b - 1)) + c; return d / 2 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * --b) + 2) + c }, easeInCirc: function(a, b, c, d, e) { return -d * (Math.sqrt(1 - (b /= e) * b) - 1) + c }, easeOutCirc: function(a, b, c, d, e) { return d * Math.sqrt(1 - (b = b / e - 1) * b) + c }, easeInOutCirc: function(a, b, c, d, e) { if ((b /= e / 2) < 1) return -d / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - b * b) - 1) + c; return d / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (b -= 2) * b) + 1) + c }, easeInElastic: function(a, b, c, d, e) { var f = 1.70158; var g = 0; var h = d; if (b == 0) return c; if ((b /= e) == 1) return c + d; if (!g) g = e * .3; if (h < Math.abs(d)) { h = d; var f = g / 4 } else var f = g / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(d / h); return -(h * Math.pow(2, 10 * (b -= 1)) * Math.sin((b * e - f) * 2 * Math.PI / g)) + c }, easeOutElastic: function(a, b, c, d, e) { var f = 1.70158; var g = 0; var h = d; if (b == 0) return c; if ((b /= e) == 1) return c + d; if (!g) g = e * .3; if (h < Math.abs(d)) { h = d; var f = g / 4 } else var f = g / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(d / h); return h * Math.pow(2, -10 * b) * Math.sin((b * e - f) * 2 * Math.PI / g) + d + c }, easeInOutElastic: function(a, b, c, d, e) { var f = 1.70158; var g = 0; var h = d; if (b == 0) return c; if ((b /= e / 2) == 2) return c + d; if (!g) g = e * .3 * 1.5; if (h < Math.abs(d)) { h = d; var f = g / 4 } else var f = g / (2 * Math.PI) * Math.asin(d / h); if (b < 1) return -.5 * h * Math.pow(2, 10 * (b -= 1)) * Math.sin((b * e - f) * 2 * Math.PI / g) + c; return h * Math.pow(2, -10 * (b -= 1)) * Math.sin((b * e - f) * 2 * Math.PI / g) * .5 + d + c }, easeInBack: function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { if (f == undefined) f = 1.70158; return d * (b /= e) * b * ((f + 1) * b - f) + c }, easeOutBack: function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { if (f == undefined) f = 1.70158; return d * ((b = b / e - 1) * b * ((f + 1) * b + f) + 1) + c }, easeInOutBack: function(a, b, c, d, e, f) { if (f == undefined) f = 1.70158; if ((b /= e / 2) < 1) return d / 2 * b * b * (((f *= 1.525) + 1) * b - f) + c; return d / 2 * ((b -= 2) * b * (((f *= 1.525) + 1) * b + f) + 2) + c }, easeInBounce: function(a, b, c, d, e) { return d - jQuery.easing.easeOutBounce(a, e - b, 0, d, e) + c }, easeOutBounce: function(a, b, c, d, e) { if ((b /= e) < 1 / 2.75) { return d * 7.5625 * b * b + c } else if (b < 2 / 2.75) { return d * (7.5625 * (b -= 1.5 / 2.75) * b + .75) + c } else if (b < 2.5 / 2.75) { return d * (7.5625 * (b -= 2.25 / 2.75) * b + .9375) + c } else { return d * (7.5625 * (b -= 2.625 / 2.75) * b + .984375) + c } }, easeInOutBounce: function(a, b, c, d, e) { if (b < e / 2) return jQuery.easing.easeInBounce(a, b * 2, 0, d, e) * .5 + c; return jQuery.easing.easeOutBounce(a, b * 2 - e, 0, d, e) * .5 + d * .5 + c } }) /*UserAgent*/ function upgrade() { $("body").append('
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" " + t : "" }, s = function(e, t) { e.removeClass(t).addClass(t) }, o = function(e) { var t = ("" + e).match(/(?:\.(\d+))?(?:[eE]([+-]?\d+))?$/); return t ? Math.max(0, (t[1] ? t[1].length : 0) - (t[2] ? +t[2] : 0)) : 0 }, c = function(e, t) { return parseFloat(e.toFixed(t)) }, u = function(e, a, n, r) { var i = r ? a : a.split(" ").join(t + " ") + t; e.off(i).on(i, n) }, h = function(t, a) { var n = this; n.$element = e(t), n._init(a) }, h.prototype = { constructor: h, _parseAttr: function(e, t) { var l, s, o, c, u = this, h = u.$element, d = h.attr("type"); if ("range" === d || "number" === d) { switch (s = t[e] || h.data(e) || h.attr(e), e) { case "min": o = a; break; case "max": o = n; break; default: o = r } l = i(s) ? o : s, c = parseFloat(l) } else c = parseFloat(t[e]); return isNaN(c) ? o : c }, _setDefault: function(e, t) { var a = this; i(a[e]) && (a[e] = t) }, _listenClick: function(e, t) { return e.stopPropagation(), e.preventDefault(), e.handled === !0 ? !1 : (t(e), void(e.handled = !0)) }, _starClick: function(e) { var t, a = this; a._listenClick(e, function(e) { return a.inactive ? !1 : (t = a._getTouchPosition(e), a._setStars(t), a.$element.trigger("change").trigger("rating.change", [a.$element.val(), a._getCaption()]), void(a.starClicked = !0)) }) }, _starMouseMove: function(e) { var t, a, n = this; !n.hoverEnabled || n.inactive || e && e.isDefaultPrevented() || (n.starClicked = !1, t = n._getTouchPosition(e), a = n.calculate(t), n._toggleHover(a), n.$element.trigger("rating.hover", [a.val, a.caption, "stars"])) }, _starMouseLeave: function(e) { var t, a = this; !a.hoverEnabled || a.inactive || a.starClicked || e && e.isDefaultPrevented() || (t = a.cache, a._toggleHover(t), a.$element.trigger("rating.hoverleave", ["stars"])) }, _clearClick: function(e) { var t = this; t._listenClick(e, function() { t.inactive || (t.clear(), t.clearClicked = !0) }) }, _clearMouseMove: function(e) { var t, a, n, r, i = this; !i.hoverEnabled || i.inactive || !i.hoverOnClear || e && e.isDefaultPrevented() || (i.clearClicked = !1, t = '' + i.clearCaption + "", a = i.clearValue, n = i.getWidthFromValue(a) || 0, r = { caption: t, width: n, val: a }, i._toggleHover(r), i.$element.trigger("rating.hover", [a, t, "clear"])) }, _clearMouseLeave: function(e) { var t, a = this; !a.hoverEnabled || a.inactive || a.clearClicked || !a.hoverOnClear || e && e.isDefaultPrevented() || (t = a.cache, a._toggleHover(t), a.$element.trigger("rating.hoverleave", ["clear"])) }, _resetForm: function(e) { var t = this; e && e.isDefaultPrevented() || t.inactive || t.reset() }, _setTouch: function(e, t) { var a, n, r, l, s, o, c, u = this, h = "ontouchstart" in window || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof window.DocumentTouch; h && !u.inactive && (a = e.originalEvent, n = i(a.touches) ? a.changedTouches : a.touches, r = u._getTouchPosition(n[0]), t ? (u._setStars(r), u.$element.trigger("change").trigger("rating.change", [u.$element.val(), u._getCaption()]), u.starClicked = !0) : (l = u.calculate(r), s = l.val <= u.clearValue ? u.fetchCaption(u.clearValue) : l.caption, o = u.getWidthFromValue(u.clearValue), c = l.val <= u.clearValue ? o + "%" : l.width, u._setCaption(s), u.$filledStars.css("width", c))) }, _initTouch: function(e) { var t = this, a = "touchend" === e.type; t._setTouch(e, a) }, _initSlider: function(e) { var t = this; i(t.$element.val()) && t.$element.val(0), t.initialValue = t.$element.val(), t._setDefault("min", t._parseAttr("min", e)), t._setDefault("max", t._parseAttr("max", e)), t._setDefault("step", t._parseAttr("step", e)), (isNaN(t.min) || i(t.min)) && (t.min = a), (isNaN(t.max) || i(t.max)) && (t.max = n), (isNaN(t.step) || i(t.step) || 0 === t.step) && (t.step = r), t.diff = t.max - t.min }, _initHighlight: function(e) { var t, a = this, n = a._getCaption(); e || (e = a.$element.val()), t = a.getWidthFromValue(e) + "%", a.$filledStars.width(t), a.cache = { caption: n, width: t, val: e } }, _getContainerCss: function() { var e = this; return "rating-container" + l(e.theme, "theme-" + e.theme) + l(e.rtl, "rating-rtl") + l(e.size, "rating-" + e.size) + l(e.animate, "rating-animate") + l(e.disabled || e.readonly, "rating-disabled") + l(e.containerClass, e.containerClass) }, _checkDisabled: function() { var e = this, t = e.$element, a = e.options; e.disabled = void 0 === a.disabled ? t.attr("disabled") || !1 : a.disabled, e.readonly = void 0 === a.readonly ? t.attr("readonly") || !1 : a.readonly, e.inactive = e.disabled || e.readonly, t.attr({ disabled: e.disabled, readonly: e.readonly }) }, _addContent: function(e, t) { var a = this, n = a.$container, r = "clear" === e; return a.rtl ? r ? n.append(t) : n.prepend(t) : r ? n.prepend(t) : n.append(t) }, _generateRating: function() { var t, a, n, r = this, i = r.$element; a = r.$container = e(document.createElement("div")).insertBefore(i), s(a, r._getContainerCss()), r.$rating = t = e(document.createElement("div")).attr("class", "rating").appendTo(a).append(r._getStars("empty")).append(r._getStars("filled")), r.$emptyStars = t.find(".empty-stars"), r.$filledStars = t.find(".filled-stars"), r._renderCaption(), r._renderClear(), r._initHighlight(), a.append(i), r.rtl && (n = Math.max(r.$emptyStars.outerWidth(), r.$filledStars.outerWidth()), r.$emptyStars.width(n)) }, _getCaption: function() { var e = this; return e.$caption && e.$caption.length ? e.$caption.html() : e.defaultCaption }, _setCaption: function(e) { var t = this; t.$caption && t.$caption.length && t.$caption.html(e) }, _renderCaption: function() { var t, a = this, n = a.$element.val(), r = a.captionElement ? e(a.captionElement) : ""; if (a.showCaption) { if (t = a.fetchCaption(n), r && r.length) return s(r, "caption"), r.html(t), void(a.$caption = r); a._addContent("caption", '
' + t + "
"), a.$caption = a.$container.find(".caption") } }, _renderClear: function() { var t, a = this, n = a.clearElement ? e(a.clearElement) : ""; if (a.showClear) { if (t = a._getClearClass(), n.length) return s(n, t), n.attr({ title: a.clearButtonTitle }).html(a.clearButton), void(a.$clear = n); a._addContent("clear", '
' + a.clearButton + "
"), a.$clear = a.$container.find("." + a.clearButtonBaseClass) } }, _getClearClass: function() { return this.clearButtonBaseClass + " " + (this.inactive ? "" : this.clearButtonActiveClass) }, _getTouchPosition: function(e) { var t = i(e.pageX) ? e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageX : e.pageX; return t - this.$rating.offset().left }, _toggleHover: function(e) { var t, a, n, r = this; e && (r.hoverChangeStars && (t = r.getWidthFromValue(r.clearValue), a = e.val <= r.clearValue ? t + "%" : e.width, r.$filledStars.css("width", a)), r.hoverChangeCaption && (n = e.val <= r.clearValue ? r.fetchCaption(r.clearValue) : e.caption, n && r._setCaption(n + ""))) }, _init: function(t) { var a = this, n = a.$element.addClass("hide"); return a.options = t, e.each(t, function(e, t) { a[e] = t }), (a.rtl || "rtl" === n.attr("dir")) && (a.rtl = !0, n.attr("dir", "rtl")), a.starClicked = !1, a.clearClicked = !1, a._initSlider(t), a._checkDisabled(), a.displayOnly && (a.inactive = !0, a.showClear = !1, a.showCaption = !1), a._generateRating(), a._listen(), n.removeClass("rating-loading") }, _listen: function() { var t = this, a = t.$element, n = a.closest("form"), r = t.$rating, i = t.$clear; return u(r, "touchstart touchmove touchend", e.proxy(t._initTouch, t)), u(r, "click touchstart", e.proxy(t._starClick, t)), u(r, "mousemove", e.proxy(t._starMouseMove, t)), u(r, "mouseleave", e.proxy(t._starMouseLeave, t)), t.showClear && i.length && (u(i, "click touchstart", e.proxy(t._clearClick, t)), u(i, "mousemove", e.proxy(t._clearMouseMove, t)), u(i, "mouseleave", e.proxy(t._clearMouseLeave, t))), n.length && u(n, "reset", e.proxy(t._resetForm, t)), a }, _getStars: function(e) { var t, a = this, n = ''; for (t = 1; t <= a.stars; t++) n += '' + a[e + "Star"] + ""; return n + "" }, _setStars: function(e) { var t = this, a = arguments.length ? t.calculate(e) : t.calculate(), n = t.$element; return n.val(a.val), t.$filledStars.css("width", a.width), t._setCaption(a.caption), t.cache = a, n }, showStars: function(e) { var t = this, a = parseFloat(e); return t.$element.val(isNaN(a) ? t.clearValue : a), t._setStars() }, calculate: function(e) { var t = this, a = i(t.$element.val()) ? 0 : t.$element.val(), n = arguments.length ? t.getValueFromPosition(e) : a, r = t.fetchCaption(n), l = t.getWidthFromValue(n); return l += "%", { caption: r, width: l, val: n } }, getValueFromPosition: function(e) { var t, a, n = this, r = o(n.step), i = n.$rating.width(); return a = n.diff * e / (i * n.step), a = n.rtl ? Math.floor(a) : Math.ceil(a), t = c(parseFloat(n.min + a * n.step), r), t = Math.max(Math.min(t, n.max), n.min), n.rtl ? n.max - t : t }, getWidthFromValue: function(e) { var t, a, n = this, r = n.min, i = n.max, l = n.$emptyStars; return !e || r >= e || r === i ? 0 : (a = l.outerWidth(), t = a ? l.width() / a : 1, e >= i ? 100 : (e - r) * t * 100 / (i - r)) }, fetchCaption: function(e) { var t, a, n, r, l, s = this, u = parseFloat(e) || s.clearValue, h = s.starCaptions, d = s.starCaptionClasses; return u && u !== s.clearValue && (u = c(u, o(s.step))), r = "function" == typeof d ? d(u) : d[u], n = "function" == typeof h ? h(u) : h[u], a = i(n) ? s.defaultCaption.replace(/\{rating}/g, u) : n, t = i(r) ? s.clearCaptionClass : r, l = u === s.clearValue ? s.clearCaption : a, '' + l + "" }, destroy: function() { var t = this, a = t.$element; return i(t.$container) || t.$container.before(a).remove(), e.removeData(a.get(0)), a.off("rating").removeClass("hide") }, create: function(e) { var t = this, a = e || t.options || {}; return t.destroy().rating(a) }, clear: function() { var e = this, t = '' + e.clearCaption + ""; return e.inactive || e._setCaption(t), e.showStars(e.clearValue).trigger("change").trigger("rating.clear") }, reset: function() { var e = this; return e.showStars(e.initialValue).trigger("rating.reset") }, update: function(e) { var t = this; return arguments.length ? t.showStars(e) : t.$element }, refresh: function(t) { var a = this, n = a.$element; return t ? a.destroy().rating(e.extend(!0, a.options, t)).trigger("rating.refresh") : n } }, e.fn.rating = function(t) { var a = Array.apply(null, arguments), n = []; switch (a.shift(), this.each(function() { var r, l = e(this), s = l.data("rating"), o = "object" == typeof t && t, c = o.theme || l.data("theme"), u = o.language || l.data("language") || "en", d = {}, g = {}; s || (c && (d = e.fn.ratingThemes[c] || {}), "en" === u || i(e.fn.ratingLocales[u]) || (g = e.fn.ratingLocales[u]), r = e.extend(!0, {}, e.fn.rating.defaults, d, e.fn.ratingLocales.en, g, o, l.data()), s = new h(this, r), l.data("rating", s)), "string" == typeof t && n.push(s[t].apply(s, a)) }), n.length) { case 0: return this; case 1: return void 0 === n[0] ? this : n[0]; default: return n } }, e.fn.rating.defaults = { theme: "", language: "en", stars: 5, filledStar: '', emptyStar: '', containerClass: "", size: "xs", animate: !0, displayOnly: !1, rtl: !1, showClear: !0, showCaption: !0, starCaptionClasses: { .5: "label label-danger", 1: "label label-danger", 1.5: "label label-warning", 2: "label label-warning", 2.5: "label label-info", 3: "label label-info", 3.5: "label label-primary", 4: "label label-primary", 4.5: "label label-success", 5: "label label-success" }, clearButton: '', clearButtonBaseClass: "clear-rating", clearButtonActiveClass: "clear-rating-active", clearCaptionClass: "label label-default", clearValue: null, captionElement: null, clearElement: null, hoverEnabled: !0, hoverChangeCaption: !0, hoverChangeStars: !0, hoverOnClear: !0 }, e.fn.ratingLocales.en = { defaultCaption: "{rating} Stars", starCaptions: { .5: "Half Star", 1: "One Star", 1.5: "One & Half Star", 2: "Two Stars", 2.5: "Two & Half Stars", 3: "Three Stars", 3.5: "Three & Half Stars", 4: "Four Stars", 4.5: "Four & Half Stars", 5: "Five Stars" }, clearButtonTitle: "Clear", clearCaption: "Not Rated" }, e.fn.rating.Constructor = h, e(document).ready(function() { var t = e("input.rating"); t.length && t.removeClass("rating-loading").addClass("rating-loading").rating() }) });